Dehydration and Blood Clots
There are a number of risk factors behind blood clots.
Lack of movement being one of the crucial ones.
But for now, I wanted to highlight the potential role of DEHYDRATION in the development of blood clots.
If you are dehydrated your blood will become thicker/more viscous, and your blood vessels will narrow. This will cause your general circulation will be reduced.
Keeping well hydrated will reduce your chances of developing a blood clot, along with keeping active and various other healthier lifestyle choices.
Fluid requirements for people vary, and how you achieve your fluid intake will also vary.
Most teenagers and adults need 2 litres per day or 8 half pint glasses worth.I would say for larger adults, and/or in hotter weather, or when very active 3-4 litres can be necessary. Younger children need around 1.5 litres per day.
Although water is the healthiest, cheapest and most thirst quenching option, it doesn’t have to be the only one. Fruit/herbal teas, squash/cordial, milk, smoothies, even normal tea & coffee can contribute to your daily intake. BUT…. stronger caffeinated drinks can encourage the body to excrete more urine than is ideal.
For a quick gauge of whether you are getting enough fluids, go by the COLOUR of your PEE! Excluding the first wee of the day , which is always quite dark, the rest of your pee later that day should be a pale yellow colour and relatively odourless. There are some occasions when there can be an odour due to changing hormone levels, what you’ve eaten, or infection present.
In later adulthood our thirst receptors are not so sensitive, and so we don’t tend to experience thirst as soon as in our younger days. By the time you feel REALLY THIRSTY you are already significantly DEHYDRATED, so DON’T wait until this point .
Think about how much your drinking throughout the day and check that pee colour!
Blood clots are a serious enough medical problem already, but in view of the complication of clots with Covid-19, it is even more important to keep your fluid intake at optimal levels.
And don’t forget, dehydration can cause numerous other health issues, not just blood clots.Despite this, so many people are still NOT drinking enough for their requirements.
Please don’t overlook this simple but very important part of maintaining good health.
Thank you for reading,